Monday, November 7, 2011

Integrated Marketing Communications [Chapter 16]

Within many companies including the companies SAS manages itself, it's a fairly common practice to go within certain concepts, techniques, and/or guidelines to successfully market the product/service given. SAS has a common approach but also with a twist in how it markets its product and service. One is based pure off reputation that it's built over decades which shows in it's mission statement which is linked too many times in internet advertisements I have seen around especially within Google.

Since SAS is a unique type of company and the top business in it's field of managing businesses, you do not see many marketing techniques used such as commercials, magazine ads (unless it's a heavy business-orientated magazine), and such. As I said the reputation in combination with some scattered internet advertisement is all it really does to market itself. SAS being the number 1 environment to work in according to Forbes builds its reputation furthermore. Also SAS is advertised through the businesses it's managed as I've mentioned in other posts. Fr example in many websites, SAS is shown to help and show who's currently helping to manage their business.

SAS holds a good document on how it helps other companies be marketed through interaction and such as seen here:

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