Monday, November 28, 2011

Business Marketing [Chapter 7]

In the business world, SAS definitely holds it own with it's business marketing. The way SAS holds itself amongst it's field which could be seen as limited but is bigger then a person would think is very impressive. Over the past four decades of the company's run, it's held itself as number one in it's field for statistical analytical software and service. The reputation it has held among it's customers has kept it alive and made it possible for them not to use many resources to advertise themselves. In a way SAS will always be considered more along the lines of a business product because it's product is offered mostly to help small, medium, or large-sized companies. SAS markets itself very limited for a company who is global and holds such a big reputation in the business world. From the quality of their product and service to it's outstanding work environment which is rated #1 by Forbes for places to work at, SAS keeps itself going as one of the top dogs in the business marketing world. It constantly updates it products to stay in touch with the technology world which is constantly evolving. And with this, SAS keeps itself on top of the game at all times.

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