Monday, November 14, 2011

Developing and Managing Product [Chapter 11]

Since the formation of SAS in the mid-70s, it has managed and developed a product and service which has adjusted to the era it has been placed in. For a company like SAS which is mostly computer-based, it has to stay up-to-date with the software, operating system, and internt changes placed in front of them over the years. With new capabilities constantly being introduced into the technology world, SAS has to make sure it can properly make sure the companies they manage while at the same time mantain organization also have to make sure their respective companies stay in good shape when it comes to being able to work within new computer technology.

A lot of this also has to involve it's work within internet companies in which SAS offers software and service toward. SAS strives to make sure it's reputation stays intact so it makes sure that the companies being managed also work under a system which is constantly being updated based on the environment it is working on. In developing their product, they have mde it so that the softwre they offer can help companies small to big, internet to airline services. The software they provide works from a range of operating systems from UNIX based systems such as many Linux distros and Mac OSX to Windows XP/Vista/7. The software SAS programmed is made to be used from the average-user to a more computer-savy person.

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