Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sales Promotion and Personal Selling [Chapter 18]

SAS, being the type of company it is does not do much sales promotion rather then the ads it has scattered amongst some major business websites such as Google. SAS's reputation has made it able to gather customers the way it does since it's in the top of it's field. For personal selling however, we could put this into play largely for this company because when someone is interested in inquiring for this service, they talk to a customer representative who then shows them what they are going to be offered, the type of help they will receive on a certain basis, and what they'll receive as a whole in their package.

SAS has been rated number 1 in customer working environment so they have also been shown to have a good reputation for the helpful representatives it has at many of it's bases. Unlike other companies, SAS has call centers from many of their stations in the US rather then other companies who choose to outsource to other call centers around the globe. SAS by doing this makes sure that it's customer database stays large and efficient.

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