Monday, October 17, 2011

Advertising and Public Relations [Chapter 17]

SAS strives to gain customers via it's world-wide reputation but also by advertising. SAS is advertised in many ways including internet advertisements and also through it's own customers. Since SAS manages many sites from small to mid-sized to large companies, many of those companies recommend SAS through their pages. SAS is also advertised through internet advertisement. For example, in certain searches in Google you could find SAS advertised on the side which you would then click to see what the software/service is all about. Many people would think because of the reputation of SAS they would not need to go as far as advertising through internet advertisements but it does help them gain a lot more customers.

As I mentioned previously, a lot of SAS customers advertise the service/software on their websites such as which is one of the e-commerce sites SAS manages. SAS has a great advertising/marketing plan when it comes to this because as they build their reputation and advertise their product, their client base becomes stronger. SAS itself manages 9 out of the 10 biggest media companies in the world.

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