Sunday, October 2, 2011

Consumer Decision Making [Chapter 6]

To SAS and business in general, it is good to know the consumer decision making process to make sure their company stays in a consistent pace to succeed. For a company like SAS, they need to make sure when a customer looks at their product that they're product has been shaped good for the time it is in. Especially in this time in technology where updates and operating system software is constantly evolving, SAS needs to make sure that their software stays updated so that it's compatible with the latest Windows operating systems, *NIX operating systems and of course Mac's.

Also for the SAS's company field of work, they need to make sure that their reputation stays at the top where right now ti currently is. They are the top statistical analytical statistical software in the world and with that, they need to make sure that the service they provide to every customer is good so that it's reviews stay up. Most of the time the customers review the software and with this other customers can know whether or whether not to purchase it. SAS has had no real problems with the quality of their service over the past four decades.

As I said earlier, as new operating systems comes out, SAS has to constantly update their software and making sure there software is secure and ready to be launched. SAS 9 will be coming out soon and this is said to be one of the more major updates of the software which will help it integrate more into the current operating systems.

Replacing Emoji...

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