Monday, September 5, 2011

SAS Strategic Planning and Staying Ahead [Chapter 2

SAS is constantly staying ahead of the competition with it's constant promotion and also the reputation it has developed over decades. The strategic planning they offer toward their customers is superior to anyone else in their field. The features they offer to their company such as managing a companies work force that correllates with the financial/operational planning and the human capital budget puts themselves steps ahead of other companies.

SAS strives to leverage it's customers by using it's two systems which are the SAS Human Capital Management and SAS Financial Management to organize budgets in a manner that Keeps the company in a shape which correlates it's goals.

You can see a example of the software here:

Here are the benefits / features listed by the company (

Synchronize financial and operational strategies.
Create more accurate human capital budgets and plans.
Continuously monitor budgets in real time.
Produce indicators of budget misses several months in advance.
Develop proactive human capital strategies.
Plan the work force proactively and in real time.


Analyze and predict workforce trends and their impact on human capital and financial strategies.
Automate processes and workflow between human capital data and financial data.
Integrate financial and nonfinancial data.
Use a predictive budgeting model and budget simulation.
Perform workforce acquisition cost forecasting.
Develop accurate acquisition budgets for current needs and the upcoming year.
Accurately predict and simulate the budget and the impact of budget adjustments.
Perform proactive and real-time workforce planning.
Control the costs of absences and understand the correlation with overtime.
Enable cross-departmental collaboration for more effective strategies."

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